Thursday, October 18, 2007

Additional Resource

Hello Class,

JC asked about ancient customs and cultures during the time of Genesis.

Jason W replied:

I just remembered a nice reference I used while teaching Scriptures last year that will probably give a nice introduction to the world of the time. It would also be a nice book to have if JC is interested in Bible reference materials. It is the Holman Bible Atlas by Thomas V. Brisco. Dr. Brisco is actually a close family friend and an incredibly well-respected scholar. He is currently the Dean of Logsdon School of Theology at Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene. The atlas won numerous awards with its publication a few years ago. It is full color, easy to use, and just a well-done book.

Thank you JC and Jason W

Grace, Denise

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Goodmorning DaySpring


Tim and I missed you Sunday. I was sick with a 24 hour bug and Tim had a record number of patients in the hospital. How did it go, Jason? What did you cover? What should we read for next Sunday?

This blog seems to work for some of us, so please feel free to keep posting and commenting. If you want me to send a message to the class for you, just let me know. Also you are welcome to email the class.

Grace and peace,

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Customs and Cultures during the time of Genesis

Researching your question on the customs and cultures during the time...
Grace and peace,

Monday, October 8, 2007

Notice the "comments" in tiny print at the end of each post.

Notice the "post comments" in tiny print at the end of each post. Notice the questions and please reply if you are able.
Thank you.

How it works part II

Opt into the team blog as your time permits.
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"help" at the upper right corner is your friend
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Happy blogging,

Thursday, October 4, 2007

October 7, 2007 topic

This Sunday will be studying Genesis 37 - 41.

How it works

Updated 10/7/2007
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This page appears and gives you space to post a Title and "compose" note for the class. Then when you are done, look at the lower left side of the screen. You can select publish post.

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